Unfiltered 32oz Grade A Very Dark

Regular price $29.95
What is unfiltered pure maple syrup?
To make one gallon of pure maple syrup we boiled down between 45-60 gallons of raw maple sap. Only water evaporates during the boiling process, the minerals which include zinc, potassium, manganese, thiamine, calcium, iron, magnesium, and riboflavin become more concentrated along with the natural sugars. These minerals cause a cloudy appearance and are typically filtered out of the syrup before packaging, in our unfiltered maple syrup we do not filtered these concentrated minerals from the syrup giving the syrup a higher mineral content.
Harvested from our wild, single forrest hard maple stand we are proud to offer maple syrup in its raw form. No chemicals, GMOs or additives. Enjoy all the minerals and nutrients mother nature intended maple syrup to have. Pure maple syrup with nothing filtered out.