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maple trees with buckets

In 2001 my wife and I tapped 20 trees on my parents farm in Northwest Pennsylvania.   We boiled the sap on an open fire with a 2'x2' stainless steel pan and made a grand total of 2 gallons of pure maple syrup.  We were hooked!  The very next year we expanded our "sugarbush" to 1000 taps and bought a used wood fired evaporator.  We signed up for our local farmers market and attended area festivals.   Over the past 20 years demand for our pure maple syrup had grown and we are continually expanding our maple operation.  We now have 3500 taps producing 80,000 gallons of fresh sap yielding 1500 gallons of pure maple syrup each spring.  

Not only has our business grown but our family has too.  We have 9 children ages 18 months to 17.  My wife and I are natives of Pennsylvania.  Each of us had the opportunity to attend college in large cities, and though we enjoyed the experience, we knew we wanted to settle down and raise our family close to home.  As we look back on our return to Pennsylvania it has proved a blessing because not only have we been able to start a business here, but our children have had the benefit of learning from and caring for our parents.  Looking back We never imagined we’d be selling our maple syrup to people all across the country.  

Our desire from the outset has been to build a profitable business, employing ethical business practices, which affords us the means to provide for our family and give in whatever capacity we are able back to our parish and local charities.

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